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Rhetorical Analysis is an analysis on the devices and structure of a literary piece that the writer uses to help convey his/her purpose. They may be a certain syntax structure that emphasizes the certain tone that conveys the Universal Idea involved.

Alex Smith, Quarterback to the Niners represents my Rhetorical Analysis because most fans hate him although he's adequate and led his team to the first NFC Championship Game in many years, similar to the way that although I don't particularly enjoy Rhetorical Analysis essays, I'm able to write them with passable justifications.

​WORST PLAY-"Sputnik"

My worst Rhetorical Analysis Paper was not at the beginning of the year, but instead nearer to the AP Exam itself. It was called "Sputnik" and was a paired piece between two authors, one who viewed it as a fascinating political move, and the other who viewed it as a great political achievement. ​

While reading it right now, I was definitely off in my analysis and missed the purpose of the first author. I used simple devices to try to elaborate on my incorrect analysis and should have read the prompt more carefully. My second assertion was better but not great and hardly elaborated at all on anything. This, however, may be to due to the fact that it was a timed in-class piece and I wasn't skilled at analyzing the text quickly.

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​BEST PLAY-"Two Dinners"

​My best Rhetorical Analysis paper was during the middle of the year and was yet another paired piece instead by one author, Virginia Woolf. Woolf compares two different dinners she has at a University: one at the Mens' College and the other at the Womens' College. It is a social commentary and Woolf takes the opportunity to comment on the blatant inequality between the two sexes in the education system.

At the time I wrote it, I was still developing my skills and left out many key elements that I have since fixed. I left out the devices and lacked development, something which took far too long to remember to fix. My analysis of her purpose, however, was correct but my development of how Woolf developed it should have been strengthened.

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